… I continuously design new products and planning to expand what I sell. I have to 3D print the orders, clean them, package, and send out. The reason my product became a bestseller so quick is that I design them based on how a 3D printer works, every fraction of a millimeter is counted for. After the model is done I prep it in a program called a ‘Slicer’ here I make sure the setting I set work with the color I am printing.
DeSignedbymeusa – DeSignedbyme
… My best selling product that is my bling mask it’s made from two layers of cotton it’s also engineered with a pocket for a filter although it does not come with one but people can buy their own filters and put in if they like …some people including myself can barely breathe without the filter so I don’t include one.
AmanitaPottery – Pottery Urns
… I am ceramic and I sell only ceramic, although I have plenty of ideas on what to sell. But my 3 shops I full-time job, I don’t do anything more as living. I started with different ideas but best sellers are not usually the best money makers. Again – because of shipping. You must be very careful when considering products. So after 5 years on Etsy, I have left only that one which is best for shipping, small enough and high price.
NexusKnits – Providing a Handmade Link for Families and Home
… I sell hats/beanies for all sizes, I sell baby hats and booties sets, kitchen items like washcloths/dishcloths, scrubbier, potholders. And I have spa-like sets of face scrubbies and little washcloths and soap sacks to put bars of soap in for baths and showers.
JazzyJStickers – Fun and Creative Sticker for Everyone
… I sell stickers and would like to venture out to doing art prints. I use sticker paper from Online Labels, Avery laminating sheets, a Canon printer, and a Cricut Explore Air 2. Before I got my cutting machine, I use to cut every single out by hand and my mom would help me do so.
Dansupplies – Craft Supplies for Purse Bag and Cover Buttons
… I sell purse supplies and other hardware. you can find any item you need to design and finish your purse. Or something you can fix your purse. I have many types, and the most important thing is that my products are kept in stock for a long time, which is the most attractive to craftsmen.
PlayWoodIT – Reconfigurable Design Furniture for Home and Office
… I already knew Etsy as a customer and I thought it was the right marketplace for our products. Etsy’s audience is quality and handcrafted oriented, so it fits very well with our business idea. We were looking for an audience sensitive to respect for nature and able to appreciate our values like handmade products, craftsmanship, and the care of the design.
MixedArtsByVanessa – Handmade Home Decor – Make up Art on Canvas
… I have always painted… furniture, canvases, and even walls, for my own satisfaction and to decorate my own spaces. Throughout my life, my occupation was far from this area, but even so, I never stopped creating or painting – this was always my special place where I felt I was doing what I loved the most.
WBCIndustriesSupply – Wbc Industries Supply
… My original goal when I opened the Etsy shop was to reach a new type of customer. After I decided that Etsy would be used as my selling avenue, I felt that the reward was greater than the risk involved. It has helped to take my business to new places. I consider this more of a side avenue compared to my main business.
ABirdsGallery – Watercolor Paintings of Birds
… I enjoy creating art the most. It’s fun, challenging, and gives me a sense of purpose. The hardest part is making that sale. When nothing is selling, I branch out; painting landscapes, animals, etc. I try to think of what is popular for the season. For example, it is becoming fall. So I have painted a couple of pictures w fall colors.