… The idea for new or other products is a fluid process. I try to broaden my view of what I consider to be beautiful or appealing by consulting my customers, visit other sellers’ shops, read books on the objects, and visit exhibitions, fairs, markets, and museums.
I try to understand what my customers value the most, and why they prefer certain styles or designs. It seems that in the choice of antique and vintage items cultural history is quite dominantly present.
MyFancySnailMail – Junk Journals, Ephemera Kits & Vintage Treasures
… I never thought I’d have as many sales, or customers within a year. This shop has not made me tons of money, but it has made me have tons more confidence in myself and has given me the opportunity to show my creativity and meet awesome customers, some which have become friends.
RedmerHoekstraArt – Unique Hand-Drawn Postcards
… I’ve been at the art academy for 4 years. I struggled for a long time. Trying many different forms and materials. Eventually, I returned to drawing and realized I had been looking for alienation and a surreal, fantastical world all this time.
HotAnnsCloset – Dedicated to finding new homes for beautiful old vintage things
… Don’t force things, let the sellers choose which programs to use. The “free shipping” is a perfect example. It works for me but I don’t think it works well for all shops. Also, the recent change to offsite ads is pretty horrible. If you pass a $10,000 sale threshold you are forced into the offsite ad program which charges a ridiculous 12% per sale. No seller can afford that.
Alfamarama – Hand-printed gift ideas with a sense of humor!
… I get inspired by everything, good ideas happen in all kinds of places and situations. I try to keep updated on what is going on, I like to launch products that are current or make sense or make people laugh about a specific occurrence or something from the news for instance. I browse competition very rarely but I do check Pinterest to keep up with trends and sometimes to make sure my ideas have not been other people’s ideas yet!
SilverDetails – Sterling Silver 925 & Gold Supplies Findings
… You must have either a strong motivation like supporting your family, quit your day job, or really love what you want to do. Both (being motivated and loving what you want to deal with) would work even better because you will work free for some time for sure and you will have to take a risk of the first step.
SoloSupplies – Decoden, Gemstone Beads, Findings and more
… In the supply business, I see trends change very quickly. I will have an item sell 10,000 to 20,000 units in a month sometimes. Any time I can, I take my huge shipments from the gem cutters and other suppliers I use, and pre-package them into Solo Supplies packaging, just like you’d see on a brick and mortar store shelf. My office is literally lined with peg hooks holding little packages in nice neat order, ready to be picked and shipped.
PolihalePromise – Custom Portraits From Photo
… I am a self-taught artist that began drawing and painting as a child. Eventually, I would start airbrushing, mostly fantasy art. However that ultimately led to custom graphics for cars, trucks, and bikes. There came a point where I was asked to airbrush portraits on vehicles and for one reason or another, this opened the door for me to get into the restoration of classic vehicles as a whole.
LeafingOutArt – Art From The Garden
… I was raised in a household full of drying herbs, potted plants, and folk stories. I’ve always felt a strong pull to the green world, and to the Irish and Menominee legends I grew up hearing. As I got older, I felt that there was a disconnect between the modern world and the stories I loved; today’s world treats them either as quaint or venerates them as ‘wisdom of the ancients’.
BetsyBennLtd – Personalised prints, homewares and decorations
… I have an artsy background and I was pretty confident in my basic skills. When I needed help I recruited a graphic designer! She’s taught me a lot of the skill set in illustrator that I needed and we’re a pretty good team! When we buy new machinery there is always new learning curve as we start to figure out what it’s capable of!