… I paid a lot of attention to photography and making sure it catches a clear image of the features of the products. For example, if it comes with engraving, making sure to get a clear shot of the engraved message, etc. As for the lesson, I learned the hard way was that there’s a lot of copycats on Etsy and other sites like Wish or Alibaba that try to pretend like they are you and to divert your customers away. That’s why I started using watermarks on my pictures too.
UnrefinedArtShop – Handcrafted Photos on Wood Made in USA
… I get inspired by other people’s work. Whether that’s while my wife and I are on vacation walking through a downtown shopping area or seeing what others are doing on Etsy. As an entrepreneur, my mind is always working so when I see something I like or think of a new idea I just keep working on it in my head for days until I begin to come up with a product idea. After that, I mock it up on photoshop, print it, craft it and then rework it again and again until I like the end result.
NantDesigns – Hand bound books, Silkscreen Printed Papers and Cards
… Much of what I do is a self taught- learned from books or discovered through trial and error over years of experimentation. I received some basic training at college but methods have changed over the years. The technical aspects of screen printing and my understanding of the process have certainly improved over time and technological developments keep me on my toes. Youtube is always interesting to watch and hooray for being able to quickly lookup a method on the web.
JZNCED – Climbing Holds, 3D Prints, Nintendo Switch Accessories
… Success has many steps. Success is stepping out on your own for some people, for some it’s a certain amount of money. For others, it’s the liberty to travel your own path. For some, it’s a success by simply taking a risk because they aren’t risk-takers naturally. I have worked in varying types of manufacturing and engineering, success to me is more about the freedom to create a product I personally can take pride in, it’s about the ability to have something that is my own.
InvigorU – Reinvigorate Your Life
… My responsibilities as the owner of Invigor U, including managing my online store, ad and marketing design, advertising, and growing my customer base, managing inventory or product and materials, and product fulfillment.
SquirrelRusShop – Handmade Squirrel Picnic Tables
… I realize that everyone was selling squirrel picnic tables but no one was selling them ready to go with food. I went to my wife and got her opinion on whether I should sell my squirrel picnic tables with food. Knowing that I was going to take a tiny hit on the profit I made the sacrifice and it really has paid off.
RileyWaiteArt – Fine Art Portraits
… Making the move to work from home as an Entrepreneur as been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. It’s still hard work, of course, but It fits into my lifestyle and personality. I like to have control over every aspect of the business to make sure it’s perfect and that there are no mistakes. The hardest part about it is trial by error. Since I’m doing this all by myself, If I make a mistake, it’s my responsibility to make it right, but I like the independence of it all.
RugsOfTurkey – Handmade Vintage Rugs
… I believe that ratings are the most important things for a customer. Not the item quality, not the cheap price, but rating! When I get the order, I always ask if there is anything more my customers ask. Also, I include small gifts for them. After the delivery, I always ask them If there was anything wrong with the delivery. When I get negative feedback, I refund their money and apologize even if I am the right one.
PullPro – Specialty Solid Copper Keychain Door Openers
… Advertising is the largest impact on profitability, it can either make or break your shop. Copper is the material that my products are made from which is pretty expensive. I price my products by taking all of my average costs and putting a comfortable margin of profit on them.
SoapCutter – Soap Cutters, Molds & Melters
… I was driven by the goal to help all the women (soap makers are mainly women) around the world because in them I saw my happy daughter whom I love so much. I didn’t think about the money, however, it turned into a good business. Even though this product is being sold a few times more expensive, we have decided to keep this price to be affordable to our dear clients.