… My primary products are digital graphics that primarily go to T-shirt makers. Both professional and hobbyists. The graphics are used for a wide variety of user-created products beyond clothing. I’ve seen stickers, vinyl window decals, framed pictures, etc. It’s really gratifying to me when my customers provide feedback with a picture of what they’d created.
DrifterStudio – Brushes and Textures
… My best selling product is a full watercolor set for the Procreate app. The kit comes with digital brushes and paper textures necessary to create watercolor paintings on your iPad. You can install the textures and brushes into the Procreate app and start painting very easily. Most of my customers are very new to this, so all of my video tutorials on the channel are beginner-oriented.
MAXandLEA – Max and Lea
… Max & Lea is the story of two great dads who love their children deeply, so they decided to do something to help their children develop the best way possible and to stimulate them. Concerned about the dangers of using screens for children and about plastic pollution, they decided to launch a range of natural, healthy, and educational toys.
ThePolkaDotTreasures – Unique Personalized Products
… We manufacture our own Christmas ornaments from acrylic and I design all of the artwork. Our “people” are becoming pretty popular. The Polka Dot Clan will soon be known by everyone on lots of products. Watch for key chains, T-shirts, stickers, and more! We are working hard to build our sticker company this year.
Faerytastic – Everything Faery Hand Made with Love and Sparkles
… When people request custom orders for something that I have no idea what it looks like. A lady wanted her pet sugar glider. I managed to get around this by asking for photos so that I could get the markings right. She was delighted with the result!
MJ2Artesanos – Experience the Magic of History and Cinema Trough our Handmade Items
… We have a range of products that differ a lot from each other and therefore there are many materials and techniques that we use, but in general, we could speak of different types of resins and woods as fundamental materials. The ideas arise from our own interest in history, surprising objects, and popular culture.
AtelierMiracle – Handmade Plushies – Dolls and Deco
… Usually, my creations are a result of a quick idea born in my had. It could be some animal in the zoo, some mix of colors or patterns, or even grimace on the face of my son. When I create something new I try to think like a kid, what he’d like, what would make him happy.
MurrersMonogramsMore – Murrers – Monograms and More
… Currently, my best-selling product is custom-designed labels to fit onto hand sanitizers. I use design software to make designs for baby showers, bridal showers, wedding favors, and more. I think the main reason that my product stands out from others is my listing photos. I take pictures of the actual product vs using computer mock-ups. I also ship very fast which is always appealing to the customer.
MiniMicroMuranoGlass – Genuine Murano Glass Creations by a Venetian Artist
… What works in real life works on the internet too. The best selling products are the traditional bestsellers of the Murano glass figurines niche. I am particularly proud of one creation of mine. I created it in the nineties. I and a friend were the first to create miniature fish in bags of glass.
Sirenablu – Costumes
… My best sellers’ products vary from year to year. My first best sellers product was costume Oompa Loompa, then Mushroom costume with dots and costumes of family Flintstone. The type of material depends on the model by costume which I am making. I always chose quality materials that allow the costumes to use for a long time