…Right now I have been using printify and printful to make my products! They’ve been such a huge help since I don’t have the money right now to purchase the equipment I need in order to make everything myself yet. They do so well with Etsy integration! All I do is upload my pieces, place them on the items I wish to place them on and list them.
SprinkleFairySweets – Handmade Custom Sprinkle Mixes
…The biggest impact on profit is the cost of shipping and having to reship items because the postal service has been impacted so severely by Covid. I do try to offer free shipping on everything, which is embedded in the cost of the product.
JuliPresets – Presets Lightroom Mobile Photo Filters
…We sell presets for instant photo editing. In my work, I use the official Adobe Lightroom software, my inspiration, and the latest trends in design and social networks. The program allows me to make all the necessary settings in one place. Inspiration and the latest modern trends allow me to provide customers with a relevant product.
FineNatureJewels – Handmade Unique Jewelery
…We price our products as fairly as possible. If we counted all the hours we put in to one piece it would just be to expensive. We try to price to a point where the customer is happy with the price for the item that they are buying.
DaisysDriftwood – Driftwood from the West Coast of Scotland
…The ocean inspires me a lot and the beautiful area I live in. Also the material I am using, I like to think how far the piece of wood has sailed across the sea to get to me or who used the piece of sea pottery before I found it and why did they throw it away.
Waycooldesigns – Monogrammed Wedding and Baby Books
…Yes, social media is the way to communicate these days. And I use every option I can to put my books online and have people look us over on social media. I do a little advertising but most of our business is word of mouth. People like our books and tell their friends, family and neighbors about us and we grow from that.
Katiedeanart – Handmade Beautiful Art to Enhance Peoples Lives
…To price my cards, I looked at industry standards for pricing. Greeting cards are a really great bread and butter part of my business because they have a high margin. The towels are really fun to create and I love offering something that customers can use every day to brighten up their kitchen.
SweetHOMEfromwood – Handmade House bed, Toddler bed, Kitchen tower
…I never considered that I could be an entrepreneur, but online business did change that. Currently, I am a business owner and my life is very different from what it was 6 years ago. This gives me personal and financial freedom. Of course, hard work and stress is part of this job as in any business. But it gives you plenty of satisfaction.
Artaffect – Handmade Artful Clothes
…I have finished fashion design/knitwear design in the MFA program at Academy of Art University. I have learned great lessons from one of the top teachers in the industry while I was in this program. I also had an internship with a local designer while I was in school. This experience was a great asset for me to develop a commercial sense of products.
PumpkinsandWool – Handmade Indie Yarns
…Instagram is what I use the most! I love holding contests and giveaways. Tag a friend, follow my IG account. It’s a great way to market yourself, get people excited about your shop and show people behind the scenes look of you at work :).